Tato verze hry obsahuje jen anglickou lokalizaci!
How are you today? In my opinion today is one of the most beautiful days in my entire life. Because I am playing The Sims 4 after work and no one can disrupt me!
The Sims 4 ENG doesn´t have different gameplay or build-in gadgets. It´s completely same as the Czech version of this game. There is only one difference between these two versions. And it´s language localization. This game is only in English language.
Those who love this game don´t have to worry. Because all the mechanics, including raising children, building careers or enjoying parties are still there. Due to very sophisticated editing tool, every player can express himself in detail. Even his emotions, actions or talents. Every situation offers different solution, so only the player creates his path through the game.
Are you ready for the ride?
Key4You.cz za funkčnost na daných sestavách nezodpovídá. Uvedené HW požadavky jsou dány vydavatelem a platí při vydání hry – s budoucími updaty se mohou měnit.
Key4You.cz za funkčnost na daných sestavách nezodpovídá. Uvedené HW požadavky jsou dány vydavatelem a platí při vydání hry – s budoucími updaty se mohou měnit.